There is a new version of the Control Web software environment for
automation and digitalisation. It was already a very large system,
where most users can only use a very small part of the functionality.
So the question arises as to what is the point of further extending
the capabilities of this software environment. We all know from our
own experience what access we have to new versions of operating
systems, for example. We usually already have more in the previous
version than we will ever need.
Therefore, we have set several goals for the new version of
the system:
We believe that the system is already powerful enough and
contains everything that is needed to create any application.
Therefore, we focused more on simplifying the process of creating
applications and making the development environment more intuitive
and clear.
For the VisionLab machine vision system, we switched from
positional parameter writing to structured text similar to
application writing. The readability and clarity of the applications
has improved significantly. In doing so, the machine vision steps
also completely load the previous positional variant. Thus, all
machine vision applications from previous versions can be used
immediately without difficulty.
In addition, new steps can be used with procedures written
similarly to other scripts in the application. This can save a lot
of steps dealing with individual expressions.
Zde pomáhá GPU i hluboká neuronová síť
We have opened an interface for easy creation of your own
steps. Here you can create your own code or, for example, use the
widely used OpenCV system. The latter is also the easiest way to use
artificial intelligence in your applications via the deep neural
networks included in the OpenCV environment. There is a lot of
configuration data freely available for these DNNs (Deep Neural
Network), which are the product of e.g. university research. Data in
YOLO, Caffe, PyTorch, Keras or ONNX formats can be used. You don't
have to train your network yourself, but can use one of the many
ready-made solutions immediately.
Umělá inteligence při detekci obličejů na živém obraze
z kamery
Several steps that use AI are added, such as QR, datamatrix
and barcode reading, face detection, etc.
We have introduced access to the data of a running
application according to the open JSON standard. JSON (JavaScript
Object Notation) is a universal language-independent format for data
exchange. It is also a format that is easily readable by humans. It
is based on the JavaScript language. Then, for example, any web
client can read the values of the channels and variables of the data
sections of an application via an embedded HTTPS server. The
communication is of course encrypted and the client must be
authorized to access the server.
And finally, there are hundreds of smaller extensions
and modifications that not everyone can use right away, but can
sometimes be very useful, such as:
New ByteString data type to facilitate working with ANSI
strings. The new data type will simplify communication over the
serial link, transferring data to ANSI systems or working with
binary files.
Unify backup files for 32 and 64 bit versions
Operations with data in JSON format via OCL
New report window with data filtering options, there are
also tabs with monitored elements with the possibility of
exporting and importing them
Extension of the data_recorder functionality
Logging to CSV text files
REST API server for data sections, JSON text string with
names and values of data elements is available
Guide to Generating Certificates for an HTTPS
Text editor extension with column selection
The driver procedure parameter can also be an
Driver for Excel with array data
Virtual instrument web browser
Monitoring the number of operating system resources when
developing an application in the IDE
Virtual instrument multi_level_bar
Activity by data change in the timing tree
Simplify the configuration of network
Animation of 2D vector instruments even in a web
... and much more
It is also important to note that we do not want to use regular
software rental payments. Once purchased, the license is yours
forever. And of course, all the options to download the development
version and create your applications completely free of charge
Tvorba aplikace v grafickém vývojovém prostředí
What's more, this option also applies to the VisionLab machine
vision system. This system is also available for free in the Control
Web development version. We hope that you will enjoy the new version
of Control Web and that it will benefit your work.