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SMS (Short Message System) driver
Price for system integrators (excl. VAT): 208 EUR
List price (excl. VAT): 231 EUR
Manufacturer:Moravian Instruments
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Driver for sending and receiving of SMS messages over GSM mobile network

Driver features

The SMSDRV driver is intended for receiving and/or sending of SMS messages over GSM mobile phones or dedicated GSM modems connected through standard RS-232C serial interface. It is possible to use for instance Siemens M1, M20, TC35 and MC35 modems, GSM modules made by Wavecom etc. Modem functions are also supported by a number of GSM mobile phones -- for instance Siemens S25, the whole x35 line, Nokia 6210, Alcatel OT 500 etc. Both PDU and text message formats are supported.

List of sections:

Driver features
Driver functionality
Driver parameters
Driver channels
Driver procedures
Driver Map File
Driver exceptions
Error codes
Example of driver usage

Driver functionality

The driver can send a text message (SMS) to the defined telephone number of the receiver. The maximum message length is 160 characters. The message should not contain special characters not supported by the Short Message Service. It is necessary to write the destination telephone number to the driver prior to sending of the message. Then the message text itself is to be written to the driver. The message is sent by writing of the true value to the logical channel No. 8, which is interpreted as the "send message" command. The driver raises driver exception as the confirmation the operation finished. The exception status defines if the operation was successful or failed.

To detect message receiving, the driver periodically polls the connected GSM device (modem or phone) and checks if some message was received. If there is some newly received message, the message text together with the sender telephone number is read and stored to the queue. Then the message is deleted from the GSM device memory and the driver exception is raised. The driver exception is to be caught by some virtual instrument within the Control Web application. This virtual instrument should enable next exception either by writing of the true value to the channel No. 2 or by calling of the driver procedure EnableException.

Driver exceptions are also generated if the GSM device signaled error during message sending of if the device stops responding at all (e.g. is disconnected from the PC etc.).

Driver parameters

Driver behavior can be modified by settings of its parameters. These parameters are defined in the '.PAR' file, which is specified together with the driver in the Control Web application. PAR file is a text (ASCII) file, which can be edited by a number of text editors (e.g. Notepad). Individual parameters are grouped into several sections. Every section begins with a section name, specified within square brackets. The parameter definition follows, one parameter per line. Every line begins with parameter name, followed by delimiter (character "=") and parameter value.


Both section and parameter names are case-sensitive.

Driver parameter definition — section [Settings]

This section contains parameters, which configures the driver. Individual parameters and their possible values are:

ComDriver = <driver>, <device>
InitString = <string>
SMSCenter = <string>
Timeout = <n>
MaxExceptions = <n>
ScanTime = <n>
DelayTime = <n>
ResetModem = true | false
Mode = PDU | TEXT
PassSMSCenter = 0 | 1 | 2
SendATZ = true | false
Validity = true | false
ReadSMSFrom = default | SM | MT

text string


text string


numeric value.

Individual parameters description:


name of the driver library of the series interface (link layers) and name of the communication port (COMx) which is installed in the Windows environment. The name of the standard driver is 'CWCOMM.DLL'.


initialization string for the GSM modem. This string is written to the device during modem initialization when application starts or after some error is detected. This string can be used e.g. to define SIM card PIN code AT+CPIN="xxxx" (xxxx is PIN code; must be defined in quotation marks). The initialization string can contain only one AT command, but this AT command can contain settings of more parameters. The driver does not support control characters for line breaks (^M for CR). After sending of the initialization string the driver sets additional modem parameters, required for driver functionality (echo mode, modem response format and SMS format, etc.).


number of the SMS center. The number must include the state code (e.g. 420603052000 for the T-Mobile operator in the Czech Republic). If this parameter is not specified, the driver tries to obtain this number from the GSM device before message is sent.


time of waiting for a response in milliseconds. If during this time there is no device response, the communication error will be returned into the application. Default value is 1000 ms.


size of the queue for unprocessed exceptions from the driver. The default setting is 4096.


period of polling of the modem for newly received messages in milliseconds. Default value is 3000 ms.


time delay in milliseconds necessary to restart modem. Default value is 3000 ms.


this parameter enables automatic hardware modem initialization using signals DTR and RTS after communication error. Default value is true.


this parameter defines message format — either PDU or TEXT. Default value is PDU.


defines how SMS center number should be handled in the PDU mode.

Available parameters are:


SMS center number will be part of the message


number 0 will be used instead of SMS center number


SMS center number will be omitted


enables sending of the AT command "ATZ" during modem initialization. Default value is true.


defines if the validity of the message in the PDU mode will be limited to 24 hours. Default value is true.


parameter defines the source from which messages should be read. The following values are accepted.

Available parameters are:

defaultmessages are read from modem default memory
SMmessages are read from SIM
MTmessages are read from modem memory
Default value is SM (messages are read from SIM).

Example of the [Settings] section:


Communication link layer parameters — section [comm]

The communication link layer represents a tool for access to the standard serial interface of the computer. This layer makes it possible, among other things, for one serial interface to be shared by more drivers. In the Control Web system the communication link layer is represented by two DLL libraries ('CWXLINK.DLL' and 'CWCOMM.DLL'). For its configuration in the parameter files of the driver there is the section [comm]. Here you can either define serial communication parameters directly or assign the reference (redirection) to the independent configuration file with the serial communication parameters. In the case of redirection, the section [comm] contains only one parameter — file:


Structure of parameters of the link layer:

  file = <file>
  device = <comdevice>

If the parameter device is defined and the section with the name comdevice exists configuration parameters will be achieved with priority from this section, otherwise parameters will be used directly from the section [comm].

Mandatory parameters:

  rx_frame_buffer = <N>
  tx_frame_buffer = <N>
  baudrate = <N>
  databits = <N>
  stopbits = one | 1 | oneandhalf | 1.5 | two | 2
  parity = none | no | even | mark | odd | space
  cts_flow = true | false 
  dsr_flow = true | false
  dtr_control = disable | low | enable | high | handshake | toggle | toggle_neg
  rts_control = disable | low | enable | high | handshake | toggle | toggle_neg
  dsr_sense = low | high
  rx_interchar_timeout = <N>
  rx_char_timeout = <N>
  rx_timeout = <N>
  tx_char_timeout = <N>
  tx_timeout = <N>

Optional parameters:

  priority = idle | low | below_normal | normal | above_normal | high | realtime
  mode = fullduplex | halfduplex
  pre_key = <N>
  hold_key = <N>
  rx_buffer = <N>
  tx_buffer = <N>
  tx_continue_xon_xoff = true | false
  tx_xon_xoff = true | false
  rx_xon_xoff = true | false
  xon_tresh = <N>
  xoff_tresh = <N>
  error_xlat = true | false
  discard_null = true | false
  xon_char = <N>
  xoff_char = <N>
  err_char = <N>
  eof_char = <N>
  evt_char = <N>

Syntax categories:


file name at the parameter file


section name at the parameter device


numeric value

Description of individual parameters:


parameter file. It is advisable to use this parameter where more drivers use a single link layer. Line parameters can then be maintained in a single file.


name, e.g.COM1. If this parameter is specified, the device of this name will be used. If at the same time there is a section with the same name, the following parameters will be achieved from this section. If there is no section with this name, parameters are read from the actual section.[comm].


priority of the communication thread. The default value is normal.


communication mode full duplex (bi-directional) or half duplex (unidirectional). The default value is fullduplex.


delay in milliseconds before the starting of data transmission. The status of DTR/RTS signals, if they work in toggle mode, is changed during the delay to active.


delay in milliseconds after data transmission termination. DTR/RTS signals , if they work in toggle mode, remain active during the delay period.


size of the secondary buffer for input. Permitted range <96;65535>, the parameter does not have a default value.


size of the secondary buffer for output. Permitted range <96;65535>, the parameter does not have a default value.


size of the buffer for input; range <96;65535>, the default value is 4096.


size of the buffer for output; range <96;65535>, the default value is 4096.


communicating speed.


number of data bits.


number of stop bits.


parity of the transfer.


enables CTS control (handshake)


enables DSR control (handshake)


behavior of DTS and RTS, meaning of values:


control is off, permanently at low level


works the same as disable


control is off, permanently at high level


works the same as enable


positive handshake


the status of the signal is changed during data transmission to high (positive key), otherwise permanently in low


the status of the signal is changed during data transmission to low (negative key), otherwise permanently in high

Behavior of DTR/RTS in the modes toggle/toggle_neg

Behavior of DTR/RTS in the modes toggle/toggle_neg


parameter determines if DSR is active at the high or low level (high = positive handshake, low = negative handshake).


enables stopping of transmission if the input buffer is full and the character XOFF was sent (xoff_char). If true is set, the transmission continues up to the moment when in the input buffer contains at least xoff_tresh free characters and the driver sent the XOFF character (xoff_char) for pause receiving. If false is set, the transmission does not continue up to the moment when in the input buffer contains at least xon_tresh free characters and the driver sent the XON character (xon_char) for restoration of receipt. The default value is false.


enables XON/XOFF (software) control for output. The default value is false.


enables XON/XOFF (software) control for input. The default value is false.


the minimum free capacity of the input buffer for sending of XON. The default value is 50 per cent.


influences the maximum number of characters in the input buffer for sending of XOFF. The maximum number of permitted characters can be calculated by subtracting the shown value from the input buffer size (rx_buffer) The default value is 80 per cent.


enables replacement of the characters received with parity error by the character err_char. If true is set and the checking of parity is enabled, there is replacement. The default value is false.


enables removal of empty (NULL) characters. If true is set, each NULL character is removed from the input buffer immediately after receipt. The default value is false.


decimal code of the character XON.


decimal code of the character XOFF.


decimal code of the character specified for replacement of the characters received with parity error.


decimal code of the character EOF.


decimal code of the character EVT.


delay between individual characters for receipt in milliseconds


timeout per one received character in milliseconds


constant timeout for receipt in milliseconds


timeout for sending of one character in milliseconds.


constant timeout for sending in milliseconds


The parameters rx_interchar_timeout, rx_char_timeout and rx_timeout influence the input throughput. By increasing the value rx_timeout it is possible to achieve increase in efficiency for wide data transfers (it is important to pay attention to the input buffer capacity), but will also result in increased timeout between reception of separate blocks of data. Setting the parameters to 0 instructs the system to use optimal values based on the selected communication parameters.

The parameters tx_char_timeout and tx_timeout influence the output throughput. Higher efficiency for large data transfers, particularly with enabled handshake, can be obtained by increasing the values. Too low values can cause transmission problems, including relatively high number of failed transmission trials. Zero parameter values cause setting of the optimum values according to the communication parameters.

Example of [comm] section parameters:


Driver channels

The Control Web application uses driver channels to write messages to be sent to GSM device, to read received messages from device and also to control the driver itself (to handle exceptions, to obtain error code etc.).

Driver defines the following channels:

  • channel No.1 - real input - driver exception status. Channel values and their meanings are described in the chapter Driver exceptions.

  • channel No.2 - boolean output - enables generation of the next driver exceptions. Writing of the true value to this channel enables generation of the next exception.

  • channel No.3 - real input - error code. Individual error codes are described in the chapter Error codes.

  • channel No.4 - real input - number of processed driver exceptions.

  • channel No.5 - real input - number of unhandled driver exceptions (exceptions in queue).

  • channel No.6 - string output - phone number, to which the message has to be sent. The number format must comply with the rules required by the particular modem. That means the country code may or may not be present in the PDU mode, the leading "+" before country code must be present in the text mode. This format is described in the particular modem documentation.

  • channel No.7 - string output - text of the message to be sent.

  • channel No.8 - boolean output - send message command. Writing true to this channel causes the message is actually sent to defined phone number.

  • channel No.9 - string input - phone number from which the message was received.

  • channel No.10 - string input - text of the received message.

Driver procedures

The application may call for the driver certain procedures using which it is possible to control the behavior of the driver or to gain important information. This is done by means of the system procedure:

system.DriverQueryProc( DriverName : string; Param1 : any; &Param2 : any )

Parameters of the procedure have the following meaning:


symbolic name of the driver defined in the application,


serves for typing of the command (name of the driver procedure).


is used as a parameter of the procedure or the return value of the procedure.

DriverName and Param1 are typed as text strings. Param2 is of various type according to the meaning of the procedure. Some procedures serving for setting of parameters may finish in error.

Overview and meaning of driver procedures (Param1 parameter)


Returns in Param2 the string describing the driver name and its version.


Returns version higher word of the product Control Web.


Returns version lower word of the product Control Web.


Returns version higher word of the API product Control Web.


Returns version lower word of the API product Control Web.


By calling this procedure the further driver exception is permitted.


Returns the error number of the just processed driver exception.

See chapter Error codes for details.


Returns the just processed driver exception code.

See chapter Driver exceptions for details.

Driver Map File

Driver Map File (DMF) contains types of channels implemented in this driver. This file is a part of driver definition within the Control Web application. SMSDRV has a fixed set of channels so the user should not modify SMS.MAP file supplied with the driver.

Content of driver map file.

  1 real input
  2 boolean output
  3 real input
  4 real input
  5 real input
  6 string output
  7 string output
  8 boolean output
  9 string input
  10 string input
  11 boolean input
  12 real input
  13 real input
  14 real input

Driver exceptions

The exception is raised when communication error appears. This exception can be handled by any virtual instrument within the application. The particular virtual instrument must define the driver_exception parameter with the driver symbolic name. In this case the instrument is activated when the exception appears. It is necessary to write the true value to the channel No. 2 or to invoke EnableException driver procedure. This enables generation of next exception (if any). It is possible to read channel No. 1 to obtain the exception state. Keep on mind the send_same_data parameter must be set to true if the instrument writes channel No. 2 (else the next write of the same value will be discarded). If the application does not handle exceptions, they are added to the queue. Maximal queue length is defined by the parameter MaxExceptions in the [Settings] section of driver parameter file (PAR).

Exception status codes

  • 0 = stReady — the driver established connection with the modem (e.g. after communication error).

  • 1 = stError — communication error occurred. Either message could not be sent or the modem does not respond to the driver requests.

  • 2 = stSMSData — new text message was received.

Error codes

If some error occurs, en exception with code 3 (stError) is raised. Error code is provided on the channel No. 3: If the error condition occurs then an error message is also written to Log Window of the Control Web.

  • 0 — erOK, success.

  • 1 — erTimeout, timeout error.

  • 2 — erValue, invalid value.

  • 3 — erChannel, non-existing channel.

  • 1000 — erBusy, an attempt to send text message before the previous send operation is finished.

  • 1001 — erSendSMS, send text message operation failed.

  • 1002 — erModem, modem does not respond to the driver requests. The modem can switched off, unplugged or battery can be drained etc.

Example of driver usage

There are several examples of the driver usage in the package installation. These examples can be found in the 'EXAMPLES\SMSDRV' directory. Examples also contain '*.DMF' and '*.PAR' files. It is necessary to modify these files according to actual device configuration.