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Moravian Instruments
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The Control Web System
VisionLab Machine Vision Software
DataCam Cameras and DataLight Lighting Units
DataLab industrial input/output system
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 Do you need quick technical support assistance directly on your PC? We can provide it by using TeamViewer application.

By downloading and running TeamViewerQS application for remote management of PC and desktop sharing can one of our technicians provide technical assistance directly on your PC and help you to solve your problem. All you need is the PC connected to the Internet and run on it TeamViewerQS, which you can download here TeamViewer. The installation of TeamViewer is not necessary - run TeamViewerQS and send your ID number which is displayed after running TeamViewerQS in its window to the and we connect to your PC and help you to solve your problem.

TeamViewerQS application for remote desktop sharing

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Moravian Instruments, Masarykova 1148, Zlin 4, CZ-76302, Czech Republic