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Moravian Instruments
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The Control Web System
VisionLab Machine Vision Software
DataCam Cameras and DataLight Lighting Units
DataLab industrial input/output system
Scientific cameras
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Control Web Examples

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Moravian Instruments is now ISO 9001 certified company
 Moravian Instruments quality management system successfully passed the certification, which confirmed that it complies to ISO 9001:2001 standards.

Moravian Instruments was always committed to providing superior design and high-quality production of hi-tech electronic devices. We implemented quality management system and applied it to production and delivery of electronic devices including CCD cameras many years ago.

ISO 9001:2001 Certificate

ISO 9001:2001 Certificate

We decided to undergo the ISO 9001 certification to provide our customer with official affirmation that our quality management system is compliant to internationally accepted standards and that it is used in day-to-day business.

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Moravian Instruments, Masarykova 1148, Zlin 4, CZ-76302, Czech Republic